Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Blues Pt. 2

So I've decided to do another post regarding Blues music. Get over it, it's where I'm at right now............

Warren Zevon didn't get much recognition from mainstream radio other than Werewolves of London; and that song surely ain't bad. But it's more of a song with tongue-in-cheek repartee and obvious satire; long considered a genuine good-time bar song.

But Zevon had a cynical side allowing him a view of life and situations that most people don't care to talk much about, much less express in song. Come to think of it, not much wonder why Top 40 radio didn't pick up a lot of his solo work for rotation. Now, there are plenty of artists that express their take on the darker side of life but few do it in such a macabre manner as Zevon.

Case in point, My Shit's Fucked Up.

Now, before you say "Thanks, but no thanks." and click away, just try it. It's a very poignant and genuine look at the deterioration that happens to your body along the way in life. Ironically, this song was available on the album Life'll Kill Ya, released in 2000 a full 2 years before being diagnosed with Cancer. Yeah, two years.

Maybe you won't appreciate it where you're at in life right now, but there will come a day where inevitably, you will.

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