Thursday, May 20, 2010

First Post - The Blues

I guess it's time to kick this blog off....or something to that effect.

I was hesitant to begin, in part because I have a tendency not to finish nearly anything I start. You name it - I quit it; school, relationships, jobs, etc. I've quit everything except being a quitter. Goddamnit.

So how fitting that the first (only?) post has to do with the Blues genre. Every good quitter/loser/underdog needs to embrace the Blues. I, myself never really embraced Blues as a genre; I've liked several songs from Clapton to John Lee Hooker but never really got it until I got a little older and had enough (bad) experiences to appreciate the Blues sound. Let me just state for the record that I love the Blues. I seek it out when I have the time. They are a good and necessary thing from time to time; and when that time comes you need the right music to get you through.

Enter Perry Keyes.

I am writing this as I listen to his album The Last Ghost Train Home for the first time. The song In Ancient Rome caught my ear on the Showtime series Californication (not enough time to discuss how much or why I like this series). His style is reminiscent of Warren Zevon or Tom Petty and very easy to listen to. It leans more to the Rock side of the Blues which I personally like.

Put it in, lay back and have a beer, a cry or just a great night wrapped in a cathartic blanket of warmth that is...... The Blues.

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